My editing agent, Jimpy, thinks it’s important that we establish a reasonably regular series of blogs on the trials, tribulations and tortures of novel writing in the hope that some may be vaguely helpful and others of moderate inspiration. It all smacks too much of arrogance to me but if my musings help at all I will be glad of it.
In any event, Jimpy is probably correct, being, at least, in the land of the breathing whereas I am just a figment of his imagination.
We have decided to move forward on the publication of my first novel (for over 130 years?) through the e-book route. The principle reason for this decision is:
as Jimpy puts it – why wait six months to a year when you can publish through Amazon, Kobo and Smashwords within weeks of final polish.
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Using the helpful links on publishing which you will see in the sidebar to the left we came to the conclusion that an initial launch on Kindle alone and perhaps with KDP Select is the way we will go. Then after the required period we shall move on to Smashwords and Kobo to cover the non-Amazon market – and now that you can publish on Nook in the UK we will consider that too.
Depending on the reception we get we may well move on to seeking a literary agent and/or using the Print-on-Demand route. Jimpy has some experience with this latter method over ten years since and assures me it has moved forward in leaps and bounds and has become quite a mature product now.
If you are thinking about publishing yourself you can do
no better than to look at the three publishing links
in the sidebar.